Holistic Healing
Holistic Healing
At Achieve Health Center, I focus on holistic healing, a process that integrates the mind, body, and spirit to restore balance and promote overall well-being. Each of us, regardless of our background, culture, or beliefs, has an inherent source of inner peace and wellness within us. Some call it spirit, others the Higher Self or Source—but we are all connected to this essence. My goal is to help you reconnect with that essence, allowing your body and mind to heal naturally.
Holistic healing is a process of returning to your natural state of well-being by addressing the deeper, mental-emotional causes of imbalance. Using a blend of traditional hypnotherapy, waking hypnosis, and holistic life coaching, I work with you to identify and transform limiting beliefs, negative emotions, and harmful thought patterns into positive, life-affirming ones. This process helps to unlock your potential and master your life, creating a space where healing can take place and allowing you to live with greater peace, clarity, and fulfillment.
What Is Holistic Healing?
What is holistic healing? Healing begins when we peel back the layers of mental conditioning that have built up over time. Throughout life, we form beliefs based on our experiences—beliefs about who we are, what we deserve, and how the world works. Often, these beliefs are rooted in fear, pain, or trauma, creating mental and emotional blocks that prevent us from living fully. Holistic healing works by addressing these root causes.
Using hypnotherapy, I help you access the subconscious mind to release old thought patterns and install new, empowering beliefs that support your mental, emotional, and physical health. Waking hypnosis works in real-time, helping you make mental breakthroughs and behavioral shifts through conversation and guided relaxation. Meanwhile, holistic life coaching provides the clarity and guidance you need to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Together, these techniques help you breakthrough and transform your life, achieving beyond limits.
In a state of mental-spiritual alignment, the most beneficial course of action becomes evident. Every limitation holds a lesson, and through this process, I help you realize it, guiding you to reconnect with the source of your natural well-being.
Break Through, Achieve More.
Book a session: in-person or long-distance are available.
Reframing Thoughts and Changing Negative Beliefs
Whenever you feel a negative emotion—whether it’s anger, worry, jealousy, fear, loneliness, or despair—it’s a response to a self-created statement in your mind. Common examples include: “I can’t do it,” “It’s too much,” “It’s not fair,” “I don’t belong,” “I’m a bad person,” “I don’t deserve it,” or “They don’t love me.” None of these statements are true. They were formed unconsciously during childhood based on experiences you couldn’t control.
While you may not always have control over what happens in your life, you are in complete control of what you say to yourself about it. The good news is, you have the power to consciously choose new beliefs—ones that resonate with you on a deep, intuitive level. These new beliefs, when practiced consistently, will generate positive feelings such as ease, joy, forgiveness, compassion, love, and appreciation. Reframing thoughts and changing negative beliefs creates a fertile ground for personal growth and emotional well-being.
To begin this process, try writing down your newly chosen beliefs and connecting to the emotions they inspire. Read them right before you go to sleep and again when you wake up (these are natural states of hypnosis). Speak, sing, think, imagine, and feel these beliefs throughout the day. Pretend it has already happened and that you are the living manifestation of these beliefs. Your subconscious mind accepts everything you imagine and feel, so by repeating these new beliefs often, you’ll develop the habit of being happy and well—one thought at a time.
As human beings, we are meant to experience the full range of life—day and night, storm and sunshine, love and sorrow, joy and pain. But how long we choose to stay in an “Alaska” state of mind before returning to “Hawaii” is entirely up to us. To begin your way back to Hawaii, get connected today.
Begin Holistic Wellness Today
Holistic wellness is a deeply personal and transformative experience that can unlock your potential, empower your mind, and reconnect you to your authentic self. At Achieve Health Center, I am here to guide you every step of the way, providing you with the tools, support, and personalized care you need to heal and thrive.
Break through, achieve more, and rediscover the peace, clarity, and well-being that already exist within you. Whether you prefer in-person or long-distance sessions, I’m here to help you take the next step toward holistic healing and a more balanced, fulfilling life. Get in touch today and begin your path toward mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Your path to healing starts here.

Certified IMDHA Hypnotherapist

Board Certified in Integrative Health
What Colleagues and Clients Are Saying
The service and attention I received at the Orange County Achieve Health Center was unparalleled. I greatly appreciated the professionalism and care that I experienced and would highly recommend the holistic health center to everyone that I know. Thank you to the dedicated staff and especially to Katherine Agranovich for all the care and support.
- Your loyal and satisfied client,
“I came in to see Dr. Agranovich because I was diagnosed with diabetes and I was resentful and depressed. After a few sessions, the turning point for me was when Dr. Agranovich asked me, what was the opposite of illness? I realized it was wellness and from that point on, we began focusing on me being well. I enjoy our sessions because Dr. Agranovich provides me with a different ways to think and approach health. And now, as my body is resolving the imbalance, I know it was never about the diabetes, but about me knowing my wellbeing.”
I began getting night terrors with outbreaks of aggression and sleep walking and I couldn’t find help anywhere. Multiple doctors offered pills, but I didn’t want the side effects. So the problem persisted I began dreading going to sleep every night. I finally did two sessions of hypnosis and Reconnective healing and they transformed everything. Walking out of my second session, I was more relaxed and confident than I had been and for the first time in months I was excited to get some sleep. I was cured of my night terrors, and through hypnosis I discovered that my brain had the ability to overcome this problem itself.”
I am writing to say thank you for helping me with my performing anxiety. As a vocal performance major at UCI, I am expected to be comfortable singing in front of others whether it is in class, in a voice lesson, or in front of an audience. Without your help through hypnotherapy, I would not be pursuing my major. Thank you for giving me back my dream! I look forward to continuing to work with you to improve my concentration and memory.
Get in touch
(949) 702-3228
260 Newport Center Drive # 109
Newport Beach, CA 92660
We look forward to hearing from you!